Avant Gardening

Avant Gardening
  • Presenter(s):
    Margaret Crawford
  • Show Times:
    Tuesdays at 12noon

Avant Gardening

Avant Gardening explores gardens created purely for pleasure rather than food production. We will delve into the history of pleasure gardens across different periods and regions, as well as examine contemporary gardens designed for enjoyment. A key focus will be on the social and economic contexts in which these gardens were conceived, alongside an exploration of the work of several notable garden designers.

Contributors will include individuals with a keen interest in the history and development of pleasure gardens, offering insights into the origins of various designs and their influence on the evolution of these spaces.

About me

The presenter, Margaret Crawford, is an avid gardener with a strong passion for exploring both advanced science-based gardening techniques and basic gardening programs. Following her exploration of these two contrasting approaches, she will now be interviewing individuals with a deep interest in pleasure gardens and garden design.